Monday, March 4, 2013

Wizard101 Chat Dictionary

There are a lot of things said in chat that I've had people ask me what they meant, especially new members and young wizards.  In this post I will cover the most frequently misunderstood terms used in game. 

Pertaining to the Game it's self: 

 AL/AV (Depends on who your talking to) - Avalon (A world of the Spiral) based on King Arthur's Tales

AZ- Azteca (A World of the Spiral and currently the final world of the game) Based on Dinosaurs & The Aztecs (Perhaps because they're both extinct?)

CL- Celestia (A world of the spiral) Based on Extraterrestrials (aliens!)

Crit- CRITICAL! When someone Critical hits the world flashes over their head and they do Double Damage if the hit is not Blocked.

CB- Critical Block, this means that the opponent blocked the critical hit.

Crowns- A form of REAL money used in the Spiral. This is gained in 3 ways. 1 Purchase of Crowns from the Wizard101 website or in game by choosing "Buy Crowns" , Redeeming a prepaid card purchased at a store in amounts from $10-20 (these come with a free pet, varying dependent upon which store you buy it from.)  or by recruiting paying members (a very small gift of crowns is received when a friend uses a code you give them when activating a new account.)

Drops- Items received from Duels or Quests. These are your rewards. Sometimes gold, pets, treasure cards or gear.

DS- Dragonspyre (A world of the spiral) World of dragons and also the place where you will finally face off with Malistaire for the first time!

Farming- This means you are trying to collect drops, gold, or experience points, it does not mean you are planting and harvesting vegetables. 

Fizz- Meaning the Fizzle of a spell (or failure of a spell to cast) 

Gift Me- They want you to buy them something with crowns. There will be a blog entry on this later. (I do not recommend gifting to anyone that you don't know, nor do I condone asking for gifts. Crowns are REAL money, and expensive. Gifting your friend for their birthday or holidays is one thing but gifting random people for no reason gets you nothing but trouble.

GH- Grizzleheim (A world of the spiral) Based on Viking Culture

Gold- In Game Money earned from questing, gardening, games, and many other activities

KT- Krokotopia (A world of he Spiral) Based on Egypt

Mali- Malistaire, the First BIG Baddy we face he is the final boss in Dragonspyre.

MB- Marleybone (A world of the spiral) Based on Sherlock Holmes and London

MS- Mooshu (A world of the spiral) Based on Ancient Japanese Culture 

Mute- A term used to describe a character that can't talk, either because she/he's got Menu Chat or has been Muted by the Game Admins for saying things they shouldn't.

NBC- No Block Critical (You won't see this much until you hit level 50 when you receive Critical Rating, even then it's rare)

Noob- This is a term used to describe a new player. It's not a nice thing to call someone, but it can also be used to describe certain spells, and white power pips. (I.E. "Check out my noob pips" (Person has mostly white pips)

Packs- refers to Booster packs available in the Crown shop from 115-399 crowns each. 

PP- Power Pips (Yellow Pips which count as 2 pips) 

Practice PVP- FREE pvp matches that DO NOT effect your PVP standings.

PVP- Player Vs. Player (Done in the Arena at Unicorn Way in Wizard City.)

Questing- Meaning that you're doing your quest to level up or get to the next world.

Rank- Refers to a Ranked Match- A term for a PVP match that gains you gold, tickets and PVP points and if you win possibly a title.  (Available only to Subscribing Members or those paying PER match with Crowns)

Spinning- (An action performed by hitting left or right arrow key and shift at the same time but there's a trick, release the arrow just before you release the shift key.) It makes your character spin in circles while you are away from your keyboard, after so long you will be disconnected due to inactivity if you do not spin.

SPUD pet- A pet that has the talents of Spritely, spell Proof, Unicorn, and spell Defy. These pets are coveted amongst PVP players, but are also handy in questing.

Sub - This means Subscription and is another term for Membership.

TC- Treasure Cards, which you obtain from drops, gardening,  trading, etc.

Trade- Trading Treasure Cards, a useful practice. (NEVER GIFT FOR Treasure Cards! EVER! This is a rip off scam some kids (or adults) try to pull)  All TC available for trade can also be bought for gold from the Bazaar in Olde Town of Wizard City.

Undying Malistaire- Final Boss in Azteca. 

WC- Wizard City (A world of the spiral) This is your home world, and the world you start out in.

WT- Wintertusk (A world of the spiral, located in Grizzleheim) Also based on Viking Culture.

WW- Waterworks -A level 60 Dungeon with coveted Legendary Level gear drops located in Crab Alley on Triton Avenue in Wizard City.

Wysteria- (A world of the spiral)  This is a side world that is not required, but it's a lot of fun and cute. I think it's loosely based on the Tri-Wizard Tournament from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but that's just my opinion.  You get some great rewards here, The Spiral Cup Trophy and a Golden Piggle to name a few.

XP- a shortened term for Experience.(This can also be used as a smiley face giving a raspberry depending on context)

ZF- Zafaria (A world of the Spiral) Based on African Safaris

Chat Dictionary for Us older folks- 
These are terms used in the game that some of us older folks may need to know. Most of today's youth are very comfortable with the acronyms of Chat and texting, but a lot of us don't know what they mean!

AFK- Away From Keyboard

ATM- At The Moment (For once nothing to do with Money!)
BRB- Be Right Back

Cya- See you around

FTW- For The Win

FAIL- A bad spell, not defeating the enemy, being defeated yourself, or any number of bad things.

IMO- In My Opinion

IMHO- In My Humble Opinion

IRL- In Real Life

JK- Just Kidding

SMH- Shaking My Head

TTYL- Talk To You Later

TY- Thank you

THX- Thanks

YW-Your Welcome

SMILEY'S Dictionary-

There are many Smiley combinations. 


x. x

Astonishment/Amazed/Dismayed depending on context: 

o. o
o .o
@. @

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