Thursday, March 7, 2013

No Auction? No Trade? But I can't use them!

Occasionally you get items in your backpack that say No Auction. What this means is that it can not be sold in the Bazaar. Bazaar prices fluctuate with the number of the item that are available. This does not mean that you can not sell it. Only that you can't sell it at the bazaar.  There are 3 ways to sell this item, but 5 ways to get it out of your backpack.  This works for Crown Items that you do not want or need as well.

To Sell The No Auction Item:
Enter a shopping district and choose the store that coincides with the item, in this case, we have boots, so we'll go to the shoe store. The type of store is indicated by the sign hanging over the entrance door. Approach the vendor and press X. The menu will open. At the top of the menu it will say BUY or SELL. Click on the Sell tab, highlight the No Auction Item and choose to sell it.  You can sell all items here but you will get less gold than you would from the bazaar for Auction items. 

The Second way to Sell this Item is the "Quick Sell" option in your backpack. Hit B on your keyboard to open your backpack. Select the item that you wish to 'quick sell' and use the icon of the little gold bag at the bottom of the menu to sell it. You will not make much gold this way, and this is a last resort when you're trying to accumulate gold. 
The final way to "Sell" your item is to Feed your pet. Just like with Quick sell, open your backpack and select the item to be fed. Click the icon of the piggle eating the cracker. You will be rewarded with either Gold, Gold and Treasure Cards or Reagents, OR you will receive Pet Experience. You must have a pet equipped to use this option. 

 Be Careful when using ANY of these options, because once a No Auction Item  is gone it can not be recovered. You WILL NOT be able to buy it again in the bazaar though you may be able to go back and fight the same creature to get it back but other than that it is gone.


These items are not allowed to be placed in a shared bank and switched between wizards.  These items usually have excellent statistics and it makes you sad that you can't use them on your other wizard. However they can usually be sold at the bazaar for a great deal of gold. Sometimes they are marked No Auction and No Trade. If this is the case, follow the steps above for No Auction Items. 

The Fourth way to rid these items from your backpack is to place them in your bank for safe keeping in case you make a wizard later that the No Auction Items can be used on.

The final way to get rid of these items is to Trash them.  To do this you will need to place them first in your bank and then select them and 'move to trash'. You will receive nothing for this, the item simply disappears from your inventory and is gone forever.  Why do that when you can make a little gold off them?

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