Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fortune Cookie Tree and Goose Tree

This was the best angle I could get on the Goose Tree at Harvest. It is extremely hard to raise, or perhaps it's just giving me trouble. It has gone into Progression to Dead 4 times since I planted it. It does not reseed, and is not as visually exciting as I had hoped. If it progresses to dead once more I plan to plow it, it is simply not worth the effort to me.

I received it from an Emperor's Attic Pack as well as the Maltese Tiger Lily (it is not pictured because it hid behind the regular Tiger Lilies, but it looks like the White Tiger Lily.)and the Fortune Cookie Tree.

The Maltese Tiger Lily and the Fortune Cookie tree have been extremely easy to raise and have given me no problems. They get along well with the other plants in the garden and have not progressed to dead once. This garden is not set up like my others. It's for visual stimulation, rather than a goal of snacks or reagents. I wanted to share this with you, so that you would see what they looked like and decide if it's worth the trouble for you.

"Toaddley" Perfect Pet Part 2

Yesterday afternoon I continued my quest for a Toaddle with Spritely and Incredibly Infalliable pierce train.

I hatched King Spencer (The product of the first hatch) A 2nd Generation Night Hawk,

back to Toby, the 1st Generation Toaddle. 

And got Queen Dixie- 3rd Generation Toaddle with Spritely and Infalliable by adult. 
 While the project has been a perfect success, I'm considering taking it a step further. Now that I have my Infallible and Spritely, I may try to add some other talents to her. Perhaps another heal, unicorn or Fairy friend. Unfortunately I've depleted my stock pile of mega snacks in the course of this project and one more. I know, I know, but I'm impatient and I'm not fond of training, so megas work for me. LOL I have 3 large gardens that provide me with lots of mega's, I'm just waiting for them to go to elder. In the mean time I guess I'll feed out some of these rank 6 and 7 snacks I have piling up.


Short rant about Grumpy Gobblers Training Game.

It's so annoying to me when I hit something and it doesn't give me the points, and worse still, leaves the block or cut out for me to hit, AGAIN. Waste of a shot, if you ask me. Though Grumpy Gobblers is my favorite and quickest Training Game. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Toaddley" Perfect Pet- Hatching for talents- My personal project. Pt.1

My level 31 Storm wizard is rather pitiful. Her health is low, she fizzles quite frequently, and even with crown gear, she is defeated quite often.  I have some great pets, the problem is that my Toaddle which helps with the fizz, doesn't have spritely, and my Night Hawk, which has spritely, doesn't help with fizzle. 

I decided to hatch them together and see if I could get a pet with Incredibly Infallible and Spritely.

These are the pets that I started with: 

Toby- 1st Generation Toaddle from Purreau's Plentiful Pet Pack

Harley- 1st Generation Night Hawk from Hawk Rider's Bundle


King Spencer- 2nd Generation Night Hawk

Trained To Teen: Gained Talent Spritely

Trained to Adult: Gained Talent Incredibly Infalliable

He is currently halfway to Ancient, I will train to Ancient to see what talent he gains, however, the project was a success in a single hatch using the 1st Generation parents, even though it was not the pet that I wanted.  The Talents I aimed for were both manifested by adult.  I consider myself very lucky at this point. I will continue this project until i get the talents I want on the Toaddle. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Test Realm: Lost Pages Event: Part 2

Right As Rain

 Arthur Weathersfield in Ravenwood will now send you to Triton Avenue, where you will need to use "Dee's Mirror" on your search for the lost student, Kestrel. 

You will arrive at Dee's Mirror just outside the Haunted Cave. Indicated on the map by the yellow puzzle piece outline.

Upon entering you will find yourself at the beginning of a dungeon. It stated 1 hour to complete solo, of course higher levels will be quicker It took me about 7 minutes to solo and that was passing a lot on the second floor to find out the spells cast.

1st  floor 2 Spellwrit Scremaers  
315 each Storm
They do have Myth Shield

2nd Floor- Kestrel Blackstorm & Rotting Fodder
Speech: "Have you read The Book of Lost Pages? Come with me through the Spiral, and I'll show you the great truths.
No? Then Prepare to be storm-blasted, intruder!"
Minion: Rotting Fodder 150- Storm

Kestrel Blackstorm-Rank 2 Boss
1055 Health Storm
Starts with 1 Pip
Spells used: 
Dark Fairy, Storm blade, fizzed a lot, Lightning Bats, Thunder Snake, possibly Myth shield, though she did not cast it. ( I passed several rounds to see what she would use.)

Kestrel End speech:  "Ow, my aching head! I can't believe I attacked you. I'm so sorry! Those stupid Pages Cursed me. Can you forgive me?

Then speak to Arthur Wethersfield in Ravenwood.
You will earn the badge: 
Scribe of the Howlin' Wind
which will appear on page 26 of your badges

This concludes Part 2 of this quest and this entry. 

See you in the Spiral! 

Tales for the Test Realm: Rental Mount Timers

This update effects both the Rental mounts purchased from Zeke as well as the dropped mounts and 1-7 day mounts from Packs and codes. 

I like it! Now, once you've equipped the mount the timer starts, it will ask you if you are sure and if it's ok. Once you click yes, your time begins. Unequipping the mount DOES NOT STOP THE TIMER.  

The reason I like this is that I like the Knight's Lore packs. They're generous with White Stag and Gryphon Mounts, but all to often I get more than one at the same time and I feel that my 'prize' is wasted. You no longer have to decide which to ride, now you can save one for later!

Level 90 Crowns Gear- Ghost Chasers Outfit

Ghost Chaser Gear Level 90

Level 90 Crown Gear for Death School Only
I also purchased some Level 90 Gear to try out with my Test Crowns. I purchased the Ghost Chasers Outfit. I took pictures of the stats with ONLY the Ghost Chasers Gear equipped. I removed my ring, athame, pet, and wand for these stats. My conclusion is that I personally would not spend real crowns for these stats. Even with pet, ring, athame, and wand. Yes I have awesome crit and block, damage is about the same accuracy is up, and descent armor pierce. but I lose pips, lots of resist, and incoming/outgoing health. Not worth it to me. *shrug* 

Test Realm: "Lost Pages" Event Pt.1

I decided to test the new event, now that things have loaded.

First you will need to report to Harold Argleston in the Commons Library of Wizard City. He will direct you to Boris Tallstaff, who has indeed had a voice change. He will send you back to Harold who will direct you to the commons, this is a glitch, Simeon, the next quest giver is in Ravenwood near the boys Dormitory.  He's the guy that gives you the House quest at level 15. Simeon will direct you to Triton Avenue.

 It seems that there are some new residents on Triton Ave. Spellwrit Screamers. Your first task is to defeat 10 of these. Easy, right? Well not as easy as you think. They still only pull one at a time, they are also mixed in with all the old regular ghosties of Triton Avenue, which means you will be playing with others, for the lower levels this means you will have to be more selective on your Scarlet Screamer quests.

Spellwrit Screamers 315 Storm They do carry Myth Shield.
After defeating 10 Spellwrit Screamers you will recover the Lost Page of Storms and return to Simeon in Ravenwood. He will then send you back the Harold in the Library with the spell page that you recovered. Harold sends you back to Ravenwood, where you will need to speak to Arthur Weathersfield, the Balance teacher. This concludes Part 1 of the quest, and this post.

See you in the Spiral!

Testing, Testing..1..2..3: PVP adventures in the test realm


Ok, so today instead of just watching I threw my hat into the ring, well not really cause I was wearing my Test Realm hairstyle. LOL However, I did try some PvP with my reset Rank.  A lot of players are complaining because their ranks were reset to reflect the 2nd Age PvP and Pet Derby. I can see their point of view, they worked hard to get their rank, and now they feel as if it's been ripped from their grasps. However, removing the rank does not remove the skill or the experience that they've gained from PvP.

 I was matched SUPER quickly compared to the past. I would no sooner click quick join than have Go To The Arena displayed. I was matched with all level 90 wizards, and unfortunately they were all also First Age Warlords. I myself never made it above Corporal and had that stripped exactly 2 matches later in the First Age. Hey, I said I enjoyed PvP never said I was good at it! ;)  

I fought valiantly, however, my opponents experience and skill won out. I did manage to win one match by default, the other player had to suddenly leave, at least he was nice enough to tell me,  and so he fled. Thus ended my attempt at PvP. I will most likely never PvP again, not because it's unjust, but because I lack the skill level needed. I'll be happy with my new unmarred PvP stats at the reset (and kind of glad too, because my poor stats are slightly embarrassing!) I'm great at PvE, but PvP is just not my bag.

The main purpose of this was to study the effects of the new reshuffle on PVP.

 Reshuffle now displays with x1 beside the cards icon. And it is indeed ONE use PER card. I died too quickly to find out if I truly needed more than one or two, if there are any PvPer's reading this that would like to help me find out for my readers, your feedback would be much appreciated.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Adventures in the Test Realm!

Today for the first time I ventured into the Test Realm. It was a long and grueling process waiting on it to load and load and load some more... But in the end it proved to be well worth it! 

There are several updates in progress and being tested in the Test Realm. I have messed with a few of them and previewed some items. I thought I would share the experience with you guys.  For more information on the Test Realm visit this page.  Wizard101 Test Realm

I am truly excited about the new hair styles! I have never been fond of hats on my characters, this new item is purchased in the crown shop and replaces your hat. You choose the color when you buy the hair style, and it can not be changed once you've bought it. I'll refrain from pricing things because I assume they're subject to change. I purchased the Housemartin Hairstyle with crowns and stitched it with my Waterworks Hood.

I also purchased the New Azteca Furniture Packs and decorated my Island Getaway. I am tickled to death with the new furniture! It's like NOTHING we've had before!  You get 7 Items in each pack. There are 3 packs. IN THE TEST REALM you can purchase these packs for gold, we can only hope that that carries over to the Live realm where we all play.


The Sink is Interactive! 


The only Bedroom items I got were a bed, night stand and book shelf, but we have a lot of furniture for bedrooms so I was ok with that. 

Living Room

Rug, Sofa, Chair, and Coffee table, the rug is not in this picture. While you can sit the coffee table on the rug I did not have room in this small house for the rug to sit with the couch and chair. 
The rug is in the top left corner of the Fireplace Picture below. 
The fireplace to my utopian delight is indeed interactive. You can light it and extinguish it at will! 

Kitchen and Dining Room Furniture!

Hold on to your hats! They've finally given us some great Kitchen cabinets that don't have to be crafted!
 The Kitchen sink is in 2 pieces. the Top doesn't have to be connected to the bottom unless you like it that way, I happen to like it.  You recieve the Cabinet, Sink, and cupboard, Dining Table and dining chairs. The Chairs were the only item that I got duplicates of and that's fine because you need more than one chair!
The table and Chairs are in the top right corner of the picture below. 
The Kitchen sink is also interactive! 

I also tried out the new Unstitch option from Eloise Merryweather, all I can say is I wish we had it sooner! I don't know how many Guardian's Outfits I've bought, stitched, and then stitched over because I got tired of it, only later to want it again! I lost a couple of Rockin' Outfits the same way, and those can't be replaced! I really love this new option and hope it goes live. 


AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I watched a 1v1 Ranked match while I waited for things to load. It's a totally different experience now!  Used to you would stand in the grandstands and barely see the dueling circle sometimes you might see a spell, some times not, never knew who was winning or losing. NOW your'e in the middle of the action. I was concerned that with the new format that spectators might harm the play by telling the players what the others were casting but I'm not sure that would be possible as it happens very quickly. You have the option to watch from afar but you can also use the spectator mode by clicking on the eye and getting a better view, just as if you were in the duel yourself.
I took screen shots of both views, thanks to Benjamin and Noah for letting me do this! 

Viewing Option #1 This is the old style, but you still see the opponents health and card chosen. 

Viewing Option #2 In the Action! 

The New Reshuffle Rule
The only update that I'm not happy with is the effect of the new Reshuffle Rule on PvE players to help the PvP players. Our reshuffles are now only good for ONE USE per duel per Reshuffle card, in essence treating all Reshuffles (Trained, Gear, or Pet) as a Treasure Card. All this means is that we need to pack more reshuffles for quests, but that one or two slots in our decks is a big deal to some of us. That's the difference between a heal or shield and death. But I guess you can't please all of the people all of the time.

This is a promising quest that I believe will be loads of fun on Live realm once they work out a few issues. I confess that I haven't done anything besides pick up the quest because I was waiting for areas to load. Perhaps I'll give it a try later on but for now I'm heading back to the live realm to play with my friends! 

See you in the Spiral!