Friday, April 5, 2013

Testing, Testing..1..2..3: PVP adventures in the test realm


Ok, so today instead of just watching I threw my hat into the ring, well not really cause I was wearing my Test Realm hairstyle. LOL However, I did try some PvP with my reset Rank.  A lot of players are complaining because their ranks were reset to reflect the 2nd Age PvP and Pet Derby. I can see their point of view, they worked hard to get their rank, and now they feel as if it's been ripped from their grasps. However, removing the rank does not remove the skill or the experience that they've gained from PvP.

 I was matched SUPER quickly compared to the past. I would no sooner click quick join than have Go To The Arena displayed. I was matched with all level 90 wizards, and unfortunately they were all also First Age Warlords. I myself never made it above Corporal and had that stripped exactly 2 matches later in the First Age. Hey, I said I enjoyed PvP never said I was good at it! ;)  

I fought valiantly, however, my opponents experience and skill won out. I did manage to win one match by default, the other player had to suddenly leave, at least he was nice enough to tell me,  and so he fled. Thus ended my attempt at PvP. I will most likely never PvP again, not because it's unjust, but because I lack the skill level needed. I'll be happy with my new unmarred PvP stats at the reset (and kind of glad too, because my poor stats are slightly embarrassing!) I'm great at PvE, but PvP is just not my bag.

The main purpose of this was to study the effects of the new reshuffle on PVP.

 Reshuffle now displays with x1 beside the cards icon. And it is indeed ONE use PER card. I died too quickly to find out if I truly needed more than one or two, if there are any PvPer's reading this that would like to help me find out for my readers, your feedback would be much appreciated.

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