Today for the first time I ventured into the Test Realm. It was a long and grueling process waiting on it to load and load and load some more... But in the end it proved to be well worth it!
There are several updates in progress and being tested in the Test Realm. I have messed with a few of them and previewed some items. I thought I would share the experience with you guys. For more information on the Test Realm visit this page.
Wizard101 Test Realm
I am truly excited about the new hair styles! I have never been fond of hats on my characters, this new item is purchased in the crown shop and replaces your hat. You choose the color when you buy the hair style, and it can not be changed once you've bought it. I'll refrain from pricing things because I assume they're subject to change. I purchased the Housemartin Hairstyle with crowns and stitched it with my Waterworks Hood.
I also purchased the New Azteca Furniture Packs and decorated my Island Getaway. I am tickled to death with the new furniture! It's like NOTHING we've had before! You get 7 Items in each pack. There are 3 packs. IN THE TEST REALM you can purchase these packs for gold, we can only hope that that carries over to the Live realm where we all play.
The Sink is Interactive!
The only Bedroom items I got were a bed, night stand and book shelf, but we have a lot of furniture for bedrooms so I was ok with that.
Living Room
Rug, Sofa, Chair, and Coffee table, the rug is not in this picture. While you can sit the coffee table on the rug I did not have room in this small house for the rug to sit with the couch and chair.
The rug is in the top left corner of the Fireplace Picture below.
The fireplace to my utopian delight is indeed interactive. You can light it and extinguish it at will!
Kitchen and Dining Room Furniture!
Hold on to your hats! They've finally given us some great Kitchen cabinets that don't have to be crafted!
The Kitchen sink is in 2 pieces. the Top doesn't have to be connected to the bottom unless you like it that way, I happen to like it. You recieve the Cabinet, Sink, and cupboard, Dining Table and dining chairs. The Chairs were the only item that I got duplicates of and that's fine because you need more than one chair!
The table and Chairs are in the top right corner of the picture below.
The Kitchen sink is also interactive!
I also tried out the new Unstitch option from Eloise Merryweather, all I can say is I wish we had it sooner! I don't know how many Guardian's Outfits I've bought, stitched, and then stitched over because I got tired of it, only later to want it again! I lost a couple of Rockin' Outfits the same way, and those can't be replaced! I really love this new option and hope it goes live.
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! I watched a 1v1 Ranked match while I waited for things to load. It's a totally different experience now! Used to you would stand in the grandstands and barely see the dueling circle sometimes you might see a spell, some times not, never knew who was winning or losing. NOW your'e in the middle of the action. I was concerned that with the new format that spectators might harm the play by telling the players what the others were casting but I'm not sure that would be possible as it happens very quickly. You have the option to watch from afar but you can also use the spectator mode by clicking on the eye and getting a better view, just as if you were in the duel yourself.
I took screen shots of both views, thanks to Benjamin and Noah for letting me do this!
Viewing Option #1 This is the old style, but you still see the opponents health and card chosen.
Viewing Option #2 In the Action!
The New Reshuffle Rule
The only update that I'm not happy with is the effect of the new Reshuffle Rule on PvE players to help the PvP players. Our reshuffles are now only good for ONE USE per duel per Reshuffle card, in essence treating all Reshuffles (Trained, Gear, or Pet) as a Treasure Card. All this means is that we need to pack more reshuffles for quests, but that one or two slots in our decks is a big deal to some of us. That's the difference between a heal or shield and death. But I guess you can't please all of the people all of the time.
This is a promising quest that I believe will be loads of fun on Live realm once they work out a few issues. I confess that I haven't done anything besides pick up the quest because I was waiting for areas to load. Perhaps I'll give it a try later on but for now I'm heading back to the live realm to play with my friends!
See you in the Spiral!